How to prevent puppy boredom!

Anytime someone comes to me with a behavioral problem with their puppy, my first question is always “how much exercise does your puppy get?” Let’s face it, most puppy behavioral problems are a result of boredom and lack of exercise. So the answer seems simple right? More exercise. But what if is isn’t that easy. Currently today in Kansas the temperature is -10 degrees Fahrenheit with a wind chill of -33 degrees. Not exactly walking weather. So I have compiled a list of indoor activities for those brutally cold days to keep your pup entertained!

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Fetch is a wonderful game to exercise your puppy, not just for the physical exercise but also for the training opportunities it presents. By bringing a toy back to you, your dog can practice coming when called and “drop it” when he returns with the toy. If your dog doesn’t know how to fetch, check out my post for teaching fetch here.

Looking for the perfect fetch ball? I love the durability of these outward hound balls, and you can get them in a smaller size for puppies!

Puzzle Toys

There are so many great puzzle toys available now! You can find toys that need to be rolled around to dispense food (like this treat dispensing ball), stuffed toys within a toy that can be pulled apart (this hide a squirrel is a definite favorite at my house), snuffle mats to encourage your dog to use his nose to find food and toys that require your dog to move pieces to reveal food. You can easily make some puzzle toys with things you have around the house as well. A water bottle filled with some kibble can be a quick treat dispensing toy. A muffin tin with treats in the bottom covered by tennis balls can also be an easy diy puzzle toy.

Snuffle mat
Outward Hound Snuffle Mat

My favorite puzzle toys are by Outward Hound and Nina Ottossun. I like that they have level 1 toys for puppies all the way up to level 4 toys for those dog geniuses! I like this simple level 1 puzzle for puppies that are just getting started with learning how to do puzzles. The tornado level 2 puzzle is a great transition puzzle for puppies as well. Or check out this level 4 slider puzzle for those expert puzzle dogs!

Tornado Puzzle


Kongs are one of my favorite toys. They are so versatile and can be used as a chewing toy, a fetch toy, a puzzle toy and more! They are also great to prevent boredom in the crate! Kongs come in a variety of sizes and chewing strengths, be sure to follow their guide to choose the right one for your pup! The kong can be filled with a variety of treats and food to keep things interesting for your pup. Check out some recipes here to give you inspiration.

Obedience Training

Practicing obedience commands with your pup is a great way to give him some mental stimulation. Puppies need both mental and physical stimulation. Too often we only think about the physical exercise aspect and neglect the mental exercise portion. It is important to have a balance of both, and obedience training is a perfect way to achieve that. Obedience training also strengthens the bond between you and your pup! A well-behaved pup is easier to live with, remember you will have this puppy for 12-15 years hopefully, you want to enjoy that time. Putting in the work while your pup is young and easily impressionable will pay off in the long run! I recommend short, frequent training sessions for puppies. Practice for 10-15 minutes before each meal and you will be amazed at how quickly your pup can learn and retain new tricks. Keep the sessions fun and end them while your pup is still wanting to train so he is eager to train again. Check out my favorite training treats here!

Hide and Seek

Hide and seek is a great way to teach your dog to start using his nose! This game can be played by hiding a few treats around the house and encouraging your dog to find them. Start easy and gradually increase the difficulty level as your dog understands the game. This game can also be played with toys or people. To teach your dog how to play with people, have one person hide while the other waits with the dog. The assistant can release the dog and tell him to go “find” whoever is hiding. The person hiding may need to call the dog at first to help him understand the game. Act excited and make a big deal of your dog finding you, then try it again. Make sure your hiding spots start out easy so your dog doesn’t get discouraged.

DIY Agility Course

I absolutely loved teaching beginner’s agility classes to dogs and their owners. I got so much joy watching them learning something new together and building an even stronger bond. Seeing that owner beam with pride when their dog mastered a new obstacle was icing on the cake! You can create your own mini agility course at home with a few simple items. Hula hoops can make a great replacement for a tire jump and children’s play tunnels are an inexpensive way to have your own tunnel at home! Get creative! It can be as simple as having your dog weave between objects or jump over something. The key is getting your dog to focus on you and work together to accomplish the obstacle.

DIY Agility fun with a kids play tunnel

Tried any of these tips? Let me know what you think! What is your dog’s favorite indoor activity?

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